Reliance Jio has gained immense popularity within just months of its launch, and one of the most important reasons for the same are its LYF smartphones, which offer VoLTE support for as low as Rs 3,000. However, in a bid to reach more consumers, the operator might be launching even more affordable 4G VoLTE-capable offerings. Interestingly, while the previous rumours have indicated that Jio might be introducing feature phones under the LYF Easy moniker , as per new reports, the phones will be Android-powered. However, the difference would be that these handsets won’t have a touchscreen, and would offer numeric keypads instead… similar to feature phones. Initially, two phones would be launched between January to March next year, priced affordably at Rs 1,000 and 1,500 – making them the world’s cheapest phones with 4G VoLTE compatibility. Reliance Jio is reportedly partnering with Indian phone maker Lava and China’s Transsion which operates under the ...
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