WhatsApp video calling has been officially launched and the feature is now rolling out to users on Android, iPhone,and WhatsApp. The WhatsApp video calling feature was recently introduced in the beta builds of WhatsApp for Android and Windows Mobile. If you can't wait for the video calling feature to show up on your Android phone, here's how you can get started with it right away. If you are already running the latest WhatsApp beta - or if the video calling feature is available to you after launch - it's pretty simply to start a video call with another WhatsApp user. Here's how to make a video call within WhatsApp: Open WhatsApp (of course!) Go to the Contacts tab Find and tap the contact you want to initiate a WhatsApp video call with Tap on the phone icon towards the top of the screen From the popup choose Video call That's it - you've just made your first WhatsApp video call! Note that for WhatsApp video calling...
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