The familiar name dragged Basu to the nostalgic days of his college. Basu, a first year student in B.A English Dept, was attending his Freshers. With all the excitement, dressed in black outfit, he looked no less than a big cheese. Dancing on every beat, making every move spectacular, Basu impressed each and everyone around. At the end of the show, a girl from the final year came to Basu and praised his dancing skills. Her appraisals made Basu blush, as his heart skipped a beat. "Niyati Sharma?? St Paul's college?" Basu asked. As it was already late for office, Basu shuts down his laptop and hurries to get ready. As he left for the office, he wasn't the same Basu, who walked half heartedly with weariness, he was now a man with a great enthusiasm and joy. He walks into the office with a slight smile on his face. Basu checked his account a couple of times but gets no reply to his last message. After the office, Basu went home as usual. Had some snacks with coffe...
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